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NEW! Shorebird Identification Workshop in Homer!
Shorebirds are fascinating, beautiful, inspiring, and sometimes frustratingly difficult to identify! They form large mixed flocks, stay just out of range, move quickly, and flush easily. Not to mention that you’ve got so many similar-looking shorebirds to choose from in the field guide. Where do you begin?
Join us for this workshop on identifying and enjoying shorebirds in our hometown of Homer, Alaska. This field workshop is three consecutive field trips during the peak of shorebird migration in beautiful Kachemak Bay. We’ll break shorebird identification down to basics to help you become a better birder. Beginners and advanced birders alike will benefit and learn from this small group experience. We’ve timed the workshop to dovetail perfectly with the 33rd annual Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival. So you can use your new birding skills at this fun weekend event!
For more information, checkout the workshop’s page here.