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A mixed flock of shorebirds settles down on the mud in Kachemak Bay, Homer, Alaska.

NEW! Shorebird Identification Workshop in Homer!

Shorebirds are fascinating, beautiful, inspiring, and sometimes frustratingly difficult to identify! They form large mixed flocks, stay just out of range, move quickly, and flush easily. Not to mention that you've got so many similar-looking shorebirds to choose from in…

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A Gyrfalcon hunts over Clam Lagoon, Adak Island, Alaska.

Adak Island Strikes Again!

Our third trip to Adak during fall migration is in the books! Each of our three visits has been successful, yet each has been very different from the previous. Our 2022 trip was highlighted by rare shorebirds, good shorebird diversity,…

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Taiga Flycatcher, Adak Island, Alaska.

Adak Spring 2024: Eye of the Taiga

Our 14th spring tour to Adak Island was perhaps our best yet, especially when measured by the number of Asian birds found! On a typical five-day trip to Adak Island in May, we enjoy the many specialties of Adak Island,…

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Large flocks of Emperor Geese winter on Kodiak Island, Alaska.

Eiders and Buntings and Owls, Oh My!

Our 2024 Alaska tour season is off to a great start! As we have since 2017, we began with our annual trip to Kodiak Island and tacked on a quick trip up to Nome. Most visiting birders don't make time…

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A juvenile White Wagtail at Gambell, Alaska

Gambell: Fall 2023 Trip Report

It's been a great fall season for Wilderness Birding Adventures with exciting and productive trips to Adak, Gambell, and the Pribilofs! Here's a brief update from our September 1-11 trip to Gambell. Gambell, situated on the northwest point of St…

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A birder scans the mudflats of Clam Lagoon, Adak Island, Alaska.

Adak: Fall 2023 Trip Report

Adak Island, Fall Migration September 20-27, 2023 We had so much fun birding Adak Island in September of 2022 that we just had to make another trip out this year. Every season is different when birding the edge of Alaska…

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Hawfinch, Adak, Alaska

Adak: Spring 2023 Trip Report

Scott and Aaron (Lang) just completed our spring tour to Adak Island in the Central Aleutian Islands. Every year this trip kicks off our suite of spring birding adventures in western Alaska. If the results of this year’s foray to…

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Emperor Goose, Kodiak, Alaska

Spring Fever Birding: Kodiak and Nome

We've just completed our annual early spring trip to Kodiak and Nome for a week of great birding! Since 2017, this trip has marked the beginning of our year of birding tours in Alaska. After a long winter, we get…

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Adak Island, Alaska

New Tour in 2023: Fall Migration on Adak Island!

We're continually exploring, learning, and working to improve the tours that we lead. We've been leading spring migrations tours to Adak Island since 2008 and have long considered a fall trip. So in 2022, we took a group of friends…

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Ross's Gull at Utqiagvik (Barrow), Alaska on a Wilderness Birding Adventures tour

Ross’s Gull Migration 2021!

With the completion of our fall tour to Utqiagvik for the Ross's Gull migration, our abbreviated 2021 Alaska birding tour season has just come to an end. This short tour was a frigid and successful end to our season. It's…

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