Steve became obsessed with birding after watching a flock of Cedar Waxwings process mountain ash berries on a Eugene, Oregon street in 1978. He was a member of the Oregon Bird Records Committee before he met his wife, Brooke, and moved to her home town, Ketchikan, Alaska in 1990. Steve’s first fun Alaska birding trip with other fun Alaska birders was to Hyder in June 1991 (Bobolink!), followed by a trip to Middleton Island in September 1991. He’s birded all over Alaska, but his most memorable birding experiences were as a guide for Larry Balch’s Attours birding trips to Attu Island from 1992 to 2000. Steve currently researches salmon runs in southeastern Alaska as a fishery biologist for the State of Alaska. His main interest, however, has always been the status and distribution Alaska’s avifauna, particularly in southeastern Alaska, where he has mined rich Alaskan shockers like the House Finch and House Sparrow.